Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Time To Stop Making The Donuts!

Ok, I thought that the Dunkin Donuts guy died like 10 years ago, (much like how the wife thought Robert Palmer died roughly 5 years before he did) but apparently he passed away this weekend, of complications from Diabetes. I'm sure that Dunkin Donuts isn't too happy that his cause of death was a disease so closely related to sugar.... ooops. Well, RIP Michael Vale, AKA "Fred the Baker", it was a sweet ride...


Anonymous said...

This was sad news for me :( I was a dunkin doughnuts fan during his heyday...until dominic and I decided to eat a whole dozen doughnuts by ourselves during our first days of getting high (circa 1997). I threw up in gridlock traffic. no more dunkin doughnuts for me, but I still mourn.

Amanda said...

That is a pretty sweet pic, wife.
<3 Amanda

Amanda said...

Also, dude -- a yearbook supplement that I received in 1998 told me that Robert Palmer had died that year. Who questions a yearbook supplement??
